Written by: Craig LeSieg
Once upon a time, I was watching The Price is Right yelling at the assholes that bet one dollar more than the other guy when I got an email from some guy named Ron asking me to check out his band. Fuck. That was my first thought as I’ve never reviewed a band. I looked up some how-to’s, read some other reviews, and tried to figure out how to do this. None of it was me and none of it gave the simplistic straightforward review I felt the band and readers deserved. Fuck all the nonsense, I don’t do overthinking. And since this is my opinion I’m going to do it my way.
The Alements are a melodic hardcore band from Annapolis, Maryland in the tradition of Bad Religion and NOFX. The music is as tight as it gets–these guys can play. Listening to the first 30 seconds of “Kill it With Fire” (the first track) I instantly picked out the Bad Religion influence. As one of my favorite bands, this is a serious compliment. Lyrics and vocals show a band that has a passionate love for the scene and genre. While most songs hit you with the melodic vibe, they completely throw you off track with the more hardcore “Sex Dungeon” and “The Culling of Amberholm” and the mix keeps you attuned throughout.
I can’t sit here and group them into different categories; to me, punk is like any other form of art–it’s all in the eye of the beholder and I think they rock. Group and label them if you must but definitely, check them out and decide on your own. After all, I have no idea what you like. I just try to talk you into listening.
All in all, I really enjoyed this band. They are tight, good, old punk rock. I would love to see these guys live and would most definitely add them to my record collection.